What is DNS? And Why is it important?

What is DNS? And Why is it important?

Understanding more about DNS

In this world of internet once in while you must have heard about the DNS, But do you what the DNS in reality, how it works or what is importance of it. If you also have these questions this article is for you. Let's start digging about the DNS and understand what it.

What is DNS

DNS stands for Domain Name System. Lets assume you need to call your friend but you don't remember his mobile number so what will you do? You will search for it in your contact list based on his name. Similarly in the world of internet if you want to connect to a computer you need IP address ( of that computer. But we are humans where we don't even remember our friends mobile number is ir possible for us to remember theses IP address with some random numbers to connect the computer? Offcourse not!, right?, So what's the solution of it? Similarly as you saved your friends mobile number with his name we save IP address of a computer with a hostname (google.com).

How it works (Simplest way)

When we hit a request to example.com form our browser it first goes to DNS server where DNS server checks returns the IP address of requested hostname i.e. example.com then once our browser have the IP address to us i.e. then the request goes to respective web server assigned to that perticular IP address and serves our request, in this case get's the home page of example.com

Importance of DNS

Image how would our life if DNS doesn't exist, we need to keep track and remember the IP address of all the website that we visit every day like google.com, facebook.com, netflix.in, amazon.com, etc. would it be possible of us to do so. This is the one of the most benifits of the DNS. There are other benefits of DNS such as:

  • It keeps tracks of IP address of all the websites.

  • Eliminates the need of remembering IP addresses

  • It supports the growing internet.

  • It also increase security.

  • It's compatible with all of the search engines.

  • It also helps in speeding up the internet connections.


In this article, we explore the Domain Name System (DNS), its functionality, and its significance. DNS acts like a contact list for the internet, converting domain names like google.com into IP addresses, enabling seamless connectivity without needing to memorize complex numerical addresses. This system not only simplifies internet navigation but also offers benefits such as enhanced security, support for internet growth, compatibility with search engines, and improved connection speeds.